I know...it's been awhile. Literally. I haven't wrote a thing since 2009. And I apologize for that. But apologies are like wind, just like excuses. So, because I'm full of them, I'll name a few...health blip, lack of mojo (is that another term for laziness?),too much work at the hospital, and too much home remodeling. Oh, and here's another...too ashamed to start writing because of how long it's been. But I have to start somewhere.
Now that that's out of the way, I hope you guys aren't too pissed at me.
A lot has happened since then. A great bead shop sprung up in my town, Johnstown, NY...Black Bear Beads...run by talented jewelry maker Jamie Levendusky...but, alas, closed just last year. Had a blast teaching and learning there. I took a PMC stone-setting class from none other than Holly Ginsberg-Gage, and I taught a few fine silver fusing classes there myself...good times!
I also learned a lot about working with PMC from Nancy Miller at her studio in Saratoga, NY. Thanks Nancy!
There will be more to come soon...I wanted to post some photos, but Google has me ripping my hair out trying to upload the right ones. So much so that I'm considering moving this blog to Wordpress. I've been assured that if I do, nothing, including my links to my fav blogs, comments, and followers, will be lost. Everything will still be there. We'll see...need to research more.
I hope this post finds you all well and in good spirits!
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